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Product guide(Tencha tea processing machinery)
Super-heated parching machine

It is a machine which releases high temperature wind to tea leaves and deactivate oxidase at the same time of removing moisture. By super high temperature wind (200~350°C) to the rotating drum, parching the green leaves and fasten the drying process is possible. Leaves won't get burnt since high temperature wind is used instead of direct heating of drum.

  • With the improvement of hot air blowing port, the most suitable heat distribution inside the drum encourages improved product quality.
  • Processing amount can be increased significantly by adding this machine to TENCHA line.
Super-heated parching machine RTR-250N
Full length/Depth/Height (mm)5,360 / 1470 / 2740
Power (kw)1.9
Drum rotation (rpm)15~24
Processing capacity (kg/h)250
Hot air generator HLS-350N
Full length/Depth/Height (mm)2,420 / 1,390 / 1,780
Power (kw)1.25
Air flow (m2/min)15~24
Maximum gas consumption (kg/h)16.7